Hey, that blog title rhymes! Today, my friend Carson and I have decided to write all we know about each other's favorite poet. Since I can name literally two poets and Sylvia Plath is too dark for school content, I told her to write about Jim Morrison. I'm going to write about her idol, Edgar Allan Poe... in bullet format!

  • Edgar Allan Poe was a fan of insanity motifs and themes.
  • He had a talking raven that liked to say "nevermore". I can see where the previous bullet point comes from.
  • Edgar Allan Poe was not as cool as Jim Morrison.
  • He died in 1849, I think.
  • He was American and from Boston, but apparently he spoke with a Southern accent.
  • Teenage boys and girls all over the world like his poetry because they think insanity is cool. I've never experienced it, but I would guess that it is not much fun. I blame TV and the media for glorifying things like that, though.
  • He had a cool mustache?
  • He was Irish American.
  • He was probably married, as most men are and were, but I don't think he had any children.
  • Apparently he died in the middle of the street or something? I don't remember. But apparently his life was going average and he just began to cough up blood and die?
  • The Beatles talked about him in one of their songs, "I Am the Walrus".
  • He was pretty young, for our standards, when he died.
  • A lot of people 50+ years ago wrote sad poetry because there was no medicine to cure their depressive thoughts. Is that a conclusion?

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