There are several climate regions in the continent of Africa, but the four major ones are the desert, the sahel, the savanna, and the rainforest. Our blog assignment for today is to write about the differences between them.

Of all of these climates, the desert is probably the dryest and the least ideal for living. Usually the wildlife of a desert is quite plain, but African deserts are home to much unique wildlife. Several indigenous peoples and kingdoms developed in Africa's most famous deserts, like the Sahara and the Kalahari.

The sahel is a quite vegetative area of Africa between deserts. It is a very thin strip of land, though. Several noteworthy peoples in Africa developed here, too. These civilizations are called the Sahelian kingdoms. We are currently studying them in Core class.

The savanna is another name for a grassland. Africa's most recognizable and noteworthy animals tend to live here, and the plant life is very much developed and an interest to botanists. The first people probably developed in the savannas of Africa millions of years ago. 

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