In Core class, we are beginning to study the roots and core beliefs of Islam. This Abrahamic, monotheistic religion was founded by a Meccan man named Muhammad, who is said to be Allah's prophet. Our assignment on our blog today is to investigate who Muhammad was, what kind of person he was, and why his teachings are still so influential today.

Muhammad was born a merchant who lived a difficult early life until he married into wealth in about 595 AD. This is probably why Muhammad was so empathetic with others and able to connect with their struggles and hardships, as he had once been poor and underprivileged himself. He was wealthy and had children when he began prophesizing, but he believed in charity and giving back to those who do not have what you can give. This instinct was one that Muhammad possessed naturally, and he was able to utilize it when he began to receive messages from Allah. 

Muhammad was also, most likely, charming and able to influence others' opinions and beliefs. Often times, when one has this "power" (it is called "charisma"), they use it for the bad. Muhammad used his social skills and power over people to teach and connect with others. People were very interested in what he had to say because Arabia and the Arabic people had suffered hardships for many years and were open to this new optimistic and purposeful new kind of outlook on life. Muhammad was secretive of the messages he had been receiving for about 3 years after the first one, but he was able to preach to people and make it sound truthful  After all, a 40-year-old merchant from Mecca's teachings still resonate and are taught today, so, true or not, this man and his teachings were definitely something powerful.

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