Happy Tuesday. Today, we used 5th Period to take a standardized writing test, so we are writing our Core Concentration blog entry today. The assignment for it is to tell what our favorite topic from the Middle Ages was and why.

My favorite thing to learn about in the Middle Ages unit was either the Black Death or the Magna Carta and the Hundred Years' War. I also enjoyed learning about the Church and how it ran in the later Middle Ages. I thought the simulations for the Benedictine monks and the feudalism simulation that involved candy were both very interesting and fun. I liked learning about the Black Death because it had a massive impact on Europe and changed the face of world history. Mrs. Frazier didn't do a simulation relating to it but rather taught us how quickly the Black Death spread by showing us BrainPop videos and telling us about an exercise she did with her students in past years involving glitter that spread through the whole school as quickly as the Black Death spread through Europe. The Magna Carta was also fun to learn about because it's what gave the foundation for English government and democracy. Much of our Constitution is based on the Magna Carta. It was very interesting to learn about European feudalism and compare it to the Japanese feudalism we had previously been told about. The Crusades were also very compelling to be taught about, since I'd heard the term used but didn't know what it meant. So far Europe was probably the richest unit we've had so far all year. I look forward to learning about the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution in a few weeks and months.

NOTE TO SELF: http://www.classtools.net/fb/40/E2mfdS PASSWORD: medievals

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