Our Core Concentration blog assignment for today was to name three things we are thankful for and explain why we are thankful for them.

The first thing I am thankful for is my family. This seems like a basic answer, but when you think about it, your family is like your very first teachers. They handed life to you and they help you through it. That's the best gift you can give in life, I think. So many children across the world do not have parents or families to help them, but I am grateful for what my parents do for and give to me. 

The second thing I'd like to say I'm thankful for is the Internet. The Internet has become not only a method of international communication, but one of the ways to reach out into the world. I am so privileged to have these technological advantages and this type of enriched education thanks to computers and the Internet as well as basic things like writing and reading. The Internet is rapidly changing the face of the future and our species. 

The third and probably oddest thing I'm thankful for is The Beatles. That sounds like a stupid thing to say, but The Beatles influenced everyone and everything around them, including myself and my outlook on many things. Anything that makes you happy enough to dance around to is worth thanking.

There are a lot of other things that I'm certainly thankful for, too, but those are the main three. Most of all, I'm thankful that I'm alive, go to a good school, and am on track to get a good education. Thanksgiving is a time to realize privilege and pitch in to say thanks to those who have gotten you there. 
11/16/2012 03:34:06 am

I love that you are thankful for the internet becuase some people don't have that and we are lucky


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